
Are you concerned that you or someone you know has a problem with alcohol or other drugs? If you answered yes, please respond to the four questions below for a quick assessment:

         "Have you felt that you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use?"

        "Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use?"

        "Have you felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use?"

        "Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves, to get rid of a         hangover, or to get the day started?"

A positive answer to two or more of these questions suggests the need for additional assessment of drug or alcohol use. You can come to the SHWC to get a referral to a community provider to have this assessment. If you prefer to speak with someone at the SHWC, please give us a call at 312.567.7550. Below is a list of available resources to you in the Chicago area, including the suburbs.

Learn More 关于 Addiction and Substance Abuse

Addiction Intervention Resources  

Finding an Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center

Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery  

National Institute on Drug Abuse  

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration  

双重诊断- - - - - -Provides counseling for mental illness and drug dependence for college students

酒精的神话,This flash video outlines the most common myths about alcohol. 觉得一切都在你的掌控之中? 再想想!

​​酒精筛查,Try this self-assessment tool to understand your alcohol use and the potential health issues involved with it.

反思喝- - - - - -Drinking can be beneficial or harmful, depending on your age and health status, 还有你喝了多少. For anyone who drinks, this site offers valuable, research-based information. What do you think about taking a look at your drinking habits and how they may affect your health?

社区 参考资料 Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment  



Care Hub危机热线.877.351.7889

The Care Hub is a confidential service provided to you 免费的 by Illinois Institute of Technology. This service is available to all 威尼斯人平台 students (i.e., Chicago-Kent College of Law, VanderCook, 设计学院, and Stuart School of Business), including those who do not have Aetna health insurance. You can access these services 24 hours a day, 一周七天, through the "Eligible Members" login box.

Aetna Student Assistance can help you better manage daily activities and emotional concerns by providing services such as*:

Toll-免费的 access to trained clinicians who can confidentially help you with issues such as stress, 抑郁症, 上瘾, 饮食失调, 关系问题, and other emotional concerns

Referrals to an affiliate Aetna provider (clinician), who can provide face-to-face counseling as needed

Referrals to personal services such as fitness centers, 洗衣服务, 宠物护理提供者, 私人教练, 等.

Alcohol and Drug Helpline


This helpline provides 免费的 support provided by counselors trained in treating patients with addiction and mental health issues. This service is available nationwide.

Illinois Poison Control Center

The center provides around-the-clock information and treatment advice via a 免费的 and confidential hotline. 如果你有问题, or if you think or suspect that you or someone else is experiencing adverse effects from excessive alcohol or drug use, 请致电:



This web page hosts a list of treatment facilities in Illinois by city.



2835 North Sheffield Avenue, Suite 304, Chicago, IL 60651 (NORTH SIDE) 

Certified addiction counselors, doctors specializing in addiction counseling, 家庭治疗师, 精神科医生, licensed clinical social workers, and other treatment professionals provide drug addiction treatment to adults 18 and over as well as provide counseling to parents, 配偶, 兄弟姐妹, and other family members involved in the lives of patients.



932 West Washington, Chicago, IL 60607 (CLOSE TO UIC)

This agency provides comprehensive alcohol and other drug treatment programs. For a 免费的 and confidential consultation, call 1.866.将.停止


If you need help accessing or contacting any of the resources listed, please give us a call or make an appointment to meet with a counselor. You may also walk in from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday-Friday to speak with the on-call psychologist.

额外的资源 for 酒精和其他药物

额外的资源 (339.51 KB)